Monday, July 2, 2012


The Dr. just called.  He said in a happy voice "HI KIM, It's Dr. D!...  CONGRATULATIONS!!"



(I'm in shock)



I answer with "Oh my gosh... oh my gosh... Wow... Oh Wow..."

Then I asked him what HCG level I was (I think I'm 11dp5dt (days past 5 day transfer - IVF lingo)), he said 762!

I asked when we'll know if it's ONE or TWO and he said "It's most probably TWO!!!"


He said at this point most women have an HCG level of 300 or 400 but I'm at 762... TWINS!!!!!!!!!

I'm SOOOO HAPPY!  I was worried that it wouldn't feel real or I wouldn't feel like I could celebrate because I'd still be so nervous about complications... BUT I'M CELEBRATING!!!!  I know we still have a long road ahead of us and we'll just take it a day at a time and ultrasound at a time, but today, right now, I'm just so grateful.

Thank you so much for all your love and support!  I'll keep you all posted on my follow up appointments.  I have bloodwork on Friday 7/6 and an ultrasound sometime next week.

Tentative Due Date: February 14th, 2013!


  1. Congratulations!!!! I've been checking all day for updates. :) I'm SO excited for you. I'm praying for you and those two embryos.

  2. I've been waiting all day to hear the results!! so excited for you!

  3. So happy for you! I just found your blog last week and was upset that I had to wait four days for the results! I can’t even begin to imagine how excited you are. Will keep you and your babies in my prayers. Best of luck to all of you!!!

  4. OHHHHH MY GOOOODNESSSS! I am so happy for you and Corey!!! Most women start to feel sick at about 7 or so weeks. So don't get too worried if you don't feel it yet! I am so excited!

  5. We know that you two will make the best parents a child (or children) could ask for. Our prayers for your kids will not cease even after they arrive. We love you guys!

  6. This is such lovely news! I am really happy for you both. Congrats!

  7. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's wonderful news!
