Tuesday, July 10, 2012

7/10/12 - Second Beta Results

Great News! 

I got a call from a nurse this morning at 7:30am (which made me a lot happier with the clinic, for being on top of things and calling me so early). 

She said "I have your blood results and I entered them into your chart but I need the Dr. to review them before I tell you how to adjust your meds. He'll probably call you around 1pm".

I asked her if she could just tell me my HCG number...

She said it's 5,147!!! (15dp5dt)

That's really high! YAY! I think there's still a chance for twins!

Just to give you an idea of how high that is - I have been consulting The Google over the past week in order to get an idea of what my number might be (for twins) on 15dp5dt. I wrote down other ladies twin numbers at 15dp5dt transfer: 2,200, 3,097, 3,675, 3,860. Mine was 5,147. :)

Yesterday I called the office and scheduled my Ultrasound for Thursday at 8am but when the nurse called this morning she said I need to schedule my untrasound now. I told her it was already scheduled for Thursday BUT I asked if she would have had me schedule for a different day. She said she was going to suggest tomorrow (Wed). So I said "Let's move it to Wed!"! The sooner I can see these little guys, the better. It will be the official determination of a singleton or twins.

I moved it to Wednesday 7/11 at 7:00AM.

Oooh I can't wait to see!!!


  1. I'm glad they called you so soon and that your numbers are looking good! I consult "The Google" often as well. :)

  2. Well my dear, that looks to be twins. My 15dp5dt beta was 3,732 and I had two. So I would say yours is the highest I have seen. Good luck with your first ultrasound!
