Tuesday, April 3, 2012

4/3/12 - Keep Calm and Stab On (New Injections and Blood Work)

Injections started again a couple of days ago (4/1).  They’re really easy little needles.  It's a new medicine called Lupron. 

I’m having some trouble with Keeping Calm lately.  Well, not that I get upset or crazy, but when I started this process on March 7th I felt so much peace and felt so relaxed.  Those feelings carried throughout the whole process including egg retrieval. 

I would go to work and nothing really ever bothered me.  I would come home and just relax and not worry about anything.  I mean, I WORKED at it.  I meditated, did acupuncture, facials… whatever I could to be relaxed.  It’s suppose to help get a positive outcome.  I’ve read and heard that being stressed really effects this process. 

Well… ever since the retrieval I’ve felt very anxious and some people in my life have been stressing me out.  I try to keep myself away from those people but it’s been very difficult lately.  Tonight I’m going to do a RELAX REBOOT.  I’m not going to the gym, I’m just going to meet a friend at the book store, pick out a lovely book and head over to a fun little coffee shop and read, then I'll go to dinner with Corey – who doesn’t stress me out and always makes me laugh.  I’m going to start meditating again and just get back to that pleasant place I was at last month J

This morning I had blood drawn.  They just called me with the results and they said "I just want to confirm what medications you're taking" which was a little weird.  So, I listed them off and she said "OK, your bloodwork looks good, but since you started Lupron on the 1st, we're going to move your next ultrasound and the start of Estrace to the 11th (which was originally scheduled for the 8th) and we're going to have you stay on Aygestin through Thursday (I was suppose to stop today)"  She said it's FINE that I started on the 1st and I did exactly what I was told to do.
They sent me a new FET transfer schedule which is basically just check up appointments pushed back a few days but my transfer day is STILL APRIL 26th. 

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