Saturday, April 28, 2012

4/28/12 - Day 1, Bed Rest

Today I just laid on the couch and watched Netflix and Hulu. I only got up to use the bathroom and in the afternoon I took a quick shower. I got a headache from laying on a pillow for so long. It's so weird that when your at work sometimes it feels like all you want is to be home on the couch or in bed all day, but then when you are you get stir crazy and all you want is to be outside.

A nurse called today and said to continue on 2 Estrace pills 3x per day, Doxycycline 2x per day, pre-natal daily, PIO injection daily, and ADD the lovely progesterone pills (vaginal suppositories) 2x per day.

Then the Dr called and officially said no more embryos developed, so we'll have none for the freezer. I was expecting this from what he said yesterday.

Corey's parents and sister came over tonight and brought dinner and the most wonderful little care package for me. It had all things needed for bed rest :). A movie, candy, gossip magazine, nail polish... And other great things. It was so nice to visit with them.

On a sad note, I found out today that my friend's embryos didn't make it through the thaw. We were on the same cycle with the same Dr and the same transfer day. (this was her 2nd ivf) She won't be able to transfer and plans to take a break over the summer before doing another cycle. I immediately broke down crying when I found out. My heart just breaks for her. We do so much for the chance of pregnancy and I can imagine the heart ache she's feeling. I wish it had worked out for her and it makes it hard for me to be happy about my own situation. I know it's always hard to see the positive when a cycle doesn't work out but I do feel confident that with the wonderful procedures we have available, it's only a matter of time for her. She's in my prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to you--it sounds like you have wonderful support! I hope this cycle is THE cycle for you.
