Sunday, May 20, 2012

5/20/12 - Back from Vacay Update

The meds made it to the condo in CA just fine. The front desk kept them in the fridge for us. Vacation was great!

We rode beach cruisers around Coronado. We had family beach olympics. Went to Disneyland. Shopped with my sisters. And kayaked and snorkeled (ok I couldn't do that because of the up and down motion and I was already a week into my stimulation meds, Dr's orders)

Disneyland was great. They have a nurse station were we stored my meds and used a private room at injection time. I couldn't ride any roller coasters but hung out in the lines with everyone anyway :)

My sisters and mom watched injections and they really hated it. But it was kinda cool to have them experience it with me.

Tuesday morning we found a Quest Lab for blood work. Saturday through Wednesday we did 1 vial of Menopur and 150 iu of Gonal F. Thursday we added Cetrotide (it's cheaper than Ganarelix, which we used last time).

We got back home Saturday night and went in today, Sunday for blood work and an ultrasound. They counted 26 good sized follicles (eggs) and 11 small ones that may develop into follicles. Last time we had 23 total at the last ultrasound and 20 retrieved. So this means we have better numbers than last time. Yay!!

After blood work results came in they called and said the Dr wants me to come in tomorrow for ultrasound and blood work again. I'll write more updates then.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a super fun Vacation...Stephenson style! You guys know how to party that is for sure!!! I still want to meet for lunch!
