Wednesday, March 7, 2012

3/7/12 - First Injections

Sorry about the rambling post last night.  I was tired... and scatter-brained.  I hardly slept last night and I woke up at 4:30am.  I had dreams all night about the injections, Dr. appointments and forgetting my meds.

At 7am this morning Corey and I got to the Dr's office.  I had bloodwork and an ultrasound, then injection instructions.

When they took my blood Corey stood behind the nurse and made faces while he looked at the needle... he was doing his best to try to scare me.  I thought "Oh great... this is the person that's going to give me my injections!??".  He's a joker and his main goal in life is to constantly make me laugh, so he thinks it's funny to joke about how scary the needles are and how terrible the process will be.  Hopefully he won't freak me out too much during this process.

At the untrasound I told them I hadn't started my cycle yet and they said that's ok and it looked like my lining was thick which could mean I'll start soon.  They said this could affect whether or not I do a FRESH TRANSFER or they FREEZE my eggs for transfer on a following cycle.  She told me the Dr. would call me later with his recommendation and to confirm meds for tonight.

We then met with Debrah and she explained the meds.  Corey was SO GREAT during this meeting.  I could see that he was trying to memorize every detail and he took a lot of notes.  He was being very serious... which was GREAT.  I think he will be very good at it and I'll be very comfortable with him in charge.

There are 6 different injectible meds that are taken throughout the month.  I start with just 2 (Gonel F and Menopur) and in a few days go up to 3 (adding Ganarelex).

Dr. D called me around 3pm and said the blood work and ultrasound look good and I could OFFICIALLY OFFICIALLY start my injections tonight!!  I was so excited to get this call... because I had a little doubt and worry about this actually being cleared to start.

I tried to go get a manicure after work to keep my mind off the injections but they didn't have any openings so I just went home and cleaned until I had to leave for cub scouts (I'm a den leader).  I came home and Corey and I got to work on prepping the injections, well, he prepped, I video taped :). (apparently I had my hand on the microphone for part of it, sorry)


Actual Injections:

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!!!  Corey was SO good at it.  Yay!  We're on our way!

Oh, and, uh, did I mention that IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!  Corey sent beautiful flowers to my office and tonight he baked me a cake!!  It has been a long and weird day.  I didn't think much about it being my Bday because I was thinking so much about IVF.  Starting this process is the best Bday present ever!


  1. I thought of you yesterday, just not sure if I have the right cell number for you! Happy Birthday Cuz! You are so brave!!! Good job Corey!!!

  2. Let me start by saying- cross fit has got ur belly looking quite slender & let me finish by saying- you handled that like a champ! Good teamwork!
