Saturday, June 30, 2012

6/30/12 - Dinner To Go and NERVES

Tonight Corey and I took my brother to Petland to see a pug puppy that we've been looking at. We've pretty much decided that if Monday we find out we're NOT pregnant, we'll go buy the pug :)

Then we went to dinner at Grimaldi's. We ordered our food and got our appetizer... Then my ALARM on my phone went off reminding me to do my Progesterone in Oil shot! Whoops! We forgot about the 7pm shot we do EVERY night. So... We let the waitress know we needed it To Go and we headed out for the 20 minute drive home. :)

I've been feeling very nervous lately and I can't stop thinking about the test in 2 days! I haven't felt anything close to a symptom... Which I know is probably normal because I would only be about 3 1/2 weeks pregnant. But your mind just goes through these things and analyzes everything.

I also keep thinking about the scenario of if I AM pregnant. I feel like it will be hard to really celebrate until I'm through my first trimester. I'm just so worried about early miscarriage. I will be happy of course but just very nervous.

I wish I wasn't working Monday. It will be hard to think about anything else, PLUS they'll be calling me with the results when I've still got a couple more hours on the clock. I know that last time I had an emotional meltdown... So that gets awkward at the office ;)

Hopefully everything goes well. Thank you for all the positive messages and prayers!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

6/26/12 - First Blood Test

So far so good!  Dr. D says the blood test today "shows early signs of implantation".  :) Official test was moved to Monday 7/2 because they're closed Sunday. 

I hope it sticks!!

I'm HAPPY about the news but still very nervous.  Please keep us in your prayers for Monday!

Friday, June 22, 2012

6/22/12 - Med Change

A nurse called today and said to continue on my current meds and ADD progesterone pills (not my favorite if you know what I mean) morning and night.


The nurse also told me a different blood test schedule than was written on my discharge paperwork yesterday. I guess I just go in Tues the 26th and Sunday the 1st. Less needles the better.

Bed rest today. My brother was here in the morning and made me a delicious omelet but he had to go out of town and left around noon. Corey will be home from work in a few hours. I'm super bored.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

6/21/12. - Meet The Twins :)

This is a pictures of the two embryos they transferred today...

(and by the way, first blood test is Mon 6/25 next one is Tues 6/26 and they might know by then if I'm pregnant. Then another test 6/28 and OFFICIAL pregnancy test on Sunday 7/1)

6/21/12 - TRANSFER!

Today we had 5, Grade 1 embryos.

We transferred 2 and froze 3!

Now it's time for bed rest :)

6/21/12 - On Track for Transfer TODAY

I just got a call from the fertility center CONFIRMING my transfer today at 2:30pm! 

That is great news because with the last transfer they called me in the morning and told me they needed to reschedule the transfer for the next day because the embryos needed more time to develop.

So I'm thinking they're better qaulity this time!!  I'll post again when I know the exact grade... probably after transfer this afternoon. :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

6/19/12 - Thaw Report

I just got my FIRST embryo thaw update from the Dr!!! They're looking better than last time!! They think I'll be on track for transfer Thurs and not have to push it to Friday! I'm so excited :)

1 is "compacting", it's at the 30 - 40 cell stage and ahead of schedule

9 are at the 8 cell stage

He thinks they'll be at blast by Thursday

Monday, June 18, 2012

6/18/12 - Thaw Confusion

SORRY!  I was totally confused about my thaw.  I guess the embryos were thawed YESTERDAY and I don't get my first update from the Dr. until TOMORROW afternoon/evening.  Boo.  I don't know why I thought it would be sooner.  O'well.

I had blood work done this morning and the nurse just called me and said everything looks good and to continue on all the same medications... 2 estace pills 3x/day, 1 estrace pill (vaginal suppository) at night, 2 vivelle estrogen patches switched out every 3 days, pre-natal pill nightly and 2cc of Progesterone In Oil (injection) at 7:00pm nightly.

I think my next appointment is the TRANSFER on Thursday!  Hot diggity dog!!!

A friend of mine at work (a drug and alcohol rehab) is a Life Coach and she is the most POSITIVE and encouraging little cheerleader EVER.  She came into my office this morning and said "This is the week!!!".  She pulled me into her office (with another co-worker/close friend) and she lit some candles and turned off the lights and had us all hold hands while she said a prayer type blessing/encouraging words/positive energy thingy... it was actually really neat and very sweet of her.  She told me to wake up on Thursday morning and visualize the embryo attaching to my uterine wall and to only put positive energy out into the world :)

I suppose I will :)  It couldn't hurt :)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

6/16/12 - First POI Injection of Round 2

I had such a great day! I got up and went running then laid out at the pool with my friend and had a lovely poolside lunch at The Sand Bar. Then I picked up my nephew and I took him to the Circus! The legit Ringling Brothers Circus! Corey met us there. Corey and I loved spoiling him for the day.

Then... We did a Progesterone In Oil shot. It really wasn't too bad!! Hopefully they're all like this :)

Corey was sure to spend a good amount of time massaging the area to get the oil to distribute well and we used a heat pad. We're going to stay on top of it this round and not let any pumps build up under the skin :)

They took my embryos out of the freezer today and we'll get an update from the dr tomorrow. I hope all is well.

6/15/12 - Ultrasound and Blood Work

Today was an ultrasound and blood work and it all went well. I had them draw circles in permanent marker on my love handles so Corey knows where to start the injections tomorrow night. Progesterone in Oil!!!! Here we go!! They take my embryos out of the freezer tomorrow 6/15. Say a little prayer for them. I hope they're good quality :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

6/12/12 - Ultrasound and Blood Work

Tuesday ultrasound and blood work went well.  The Dr said "Let's make this your LAST transfer".  I said "OK!"

I'm continuing the 2 estrace pills 3x/day and ADDING 2 vivelle estrogen patches - switching them every 3 days.  They're also having me add 1 estrace pill per night (vaginal suppository)  :/

I had a great workout at CrossFit tonight and made some delicious grilled chicken and asparagus with mushrooms :)

One more week of working out before my transfer and 3 days of bed rest!!

6/9/12 - Blood Work

I had blood work on this wonderful Saturday morning.  They said everything looked good and to continue on 2 pills of estrace 3x/day.

I laid out with a friend at a resort pool and then worked out with her at the park.  I used a work out schedule from <-- I love those girls.

Oh BTW - I lost 4 lbs last week!  Eating clean and back at Crossfit :)  IVF sure does put on some extra weight - between the meds and times when you're not aloud to work out.

At night Corey asked if we could head up to the mountains for a last minute camping trip.  SO WE DID!  :)  It was so peaceful and beautiful.  Here's my view waking up in the tent...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

6/6/12 - Ultrasound and Blood Work

This morning I had an ultrasound and blood work. They said everything looked great and to start taking 2 Estrace pills 3x/day... Starting tomorrow.

Oh and I starting my cycle yesterday... Again. Which is what they wanted. So I guess we're right on track. :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

6/2/12 - Blood Work

Saturday I had blood work in the morning.  They called with the results in the afternoon and said to continue Aygestin till Sunday and to come back for ultrasound and blood work on Wednesday.  I think that's also when I start Estrace again.
After blood work I went into work for a little while then I met up with my friend and we worked out at the park.  It was a beautiful day.  Then we had a lovely breakfast on the patio of a yummy restaurant.  Then did a little shopping and went to a hotel pool for the day :)  Later that night Corey and I met up with some friends for sushi.  YUM.  It was a nice weekend!